Upcoming Wellness Session January 26, 2024. Registration information will be posted soon!
Thank you for the feedback T. Jackson, I appreciate the kind words...
"I recently completed Manda Maxwell's six-week course, and it's been a fantastic experience. What I particularly love about the course was its holistic approach, blending physical wellness with spiritual growth.
The insights I gained about inflammatory foods and dietary no-nos were eye opening. Before joining this course, I was struggling with constant stomach troubles, back pain, and excess weight, which left me feeling pretty miserable. However, the course introduced me to the world of healthy eating, with green smoothies becoming a personal highlight.
Manda's unique method of preparing these smoothies is not only straightforward but also allows you to have a week's supply ready.
The impact? A remarkable 13-pound weight loss in just six weeks. I'm well on my way to healthier eating habits now. The camaraderie in the class was another perk, as we all shared our challenges and celebrated our victories together. I wholeheartedly recommend her course to anyone seeking a transformative healthy journey."
-- T. Jackson